mapa mundi project

originally the mapa mundi project is the one i struggled with the most. i wasn’t sure what to focus the subject matter on the but eventually decided on Pablo Escobar, a figure in history that has always interested me. he was both adored by the poor almost treated as a deity and some places throughout Columbia he still is even though of the horrendous acts he committed.

at first i  quickly sketched his portrait with various events of his life surrounding the image but i thought i could do better, i don’t think it translates with the final image but i wanted to focus on the duality oh how he was seen throughout Columbia, the hands that surround him at first glance a reaching out towards him, hands are expressive we can portray many emotions through them as i said i don’t think it shines through what i was trying to accomplish i wanted the hands to look as if they are reaching towards him, both out of love, some with aggression and with harmful intent. given more time i think i could develop this into a better piece.


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